Let’s Work Together!
We’ve found that a collaborative approach to partnerships that are centered around co-value creation, relationship, and impact yield rich solutions! With a mutually-beneficial YMCA partnership, you can join us in creating a better future for all of our communities!
A volunteer at Community Impact Day
What’s a “Mutually-Beneficial” Partnership?
There are so many ways to work with the Y and to advance and support the communities we serve. Perhaps your organization is drawn to a similar mission and vision! Whether through an association-wide partnership, a program-specific partnership, or a specific Y site partnership, you have multiple opportunities to support us! Past partnerships have included sponsorships, cause marketing campaigns, business integration and employee engagement, and our team can help you determine the best option for you!
CEO Dorri McWhorter at the South Side YMCA
Get In Touch
Interested in connecting with us and learning more? We’d love to hear from you! Please contact Shannon Babcock, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships.