American Red Cross Babysitting class
Dec 26, 2019
- Sage YMCA
American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training
The American Red Cross is the nation's leader in babysitting classes and child care training - and will prepare you to be the best sitter in your neighborhood. In fact, 8 in 10 surveyed parents said they would pay more for a trained babysitter who holds Red Cross babysitter certifications. Class will cover how to respond to emergencies and illness with first aid, use rescue breathing, and make decisions under pressure. Planning age appropriate activities, managing children, diaper and infant care will also be some of the skills we will cover. Start your babysitting business on the right foot and learn how to be a safe, professional and reliable sitter.
* Please bring a bag lunch and water bottle.
(Minimum of 5 registrants / Maximum of 12 registrants)
* Please bring a bag lunch and water bottle.
Saturday, January 11th
8:30am - 4:00pm
$70 (member) / $85 (non-member)
(Minimum of 5 registrants / Maximum of 12 registrants)