Rivers, Edelblute, Ledet, Congresswoman Kelly, Tillmon at District Inauguration
Jan 9, 2019

YMCA representatives attend Congresswoman Robin Kelly’s in-district inauguration

On January 7, Congresswoman Robin Kelly's in-district inauguration to the 116th Congress took place. The event included an oath of office and Congresswoman Kelly laying out her plans to improve the quality of life for constituents in her district. In attendance from the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago were Cherese Ledet, Vice President of Operations, Chico Tillmon, Executive Director of Youth Safety and Violence Prevention (YSVP), David Rivers, YSVP Program Site Director for South Chicago and South Side, and Jill Edelblute, Senior Director of Government Relations. 

During her six years in Congress, Congresswoman Kelly has leveraged the power and influence she has both in Washington, DC and Chicagoland to help end violence in Chicago and the south suburbs. She has been a champion of community-based programs like the YMCA’s Youth Safety and Violence Prevention initiative (YSVP), which seeks to reduce violence by taking a comprehensive trauma-informed approach to programs by helping to heal the depression, loneliness, and anxiety caused by past exposure to trauma.