Doctor with patient
Apr 13, 2023

Don’t Let Shingles Affect Your Life

When a disease shows up unexpectedly, it can affect your day-to-day plans, especially if those symptoms keep you from your daily activities. This is what people with shingles often experience.

Shingles usually affects people 50 years or older, and in the United States 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. But before knowing how you can prevent shingles, let's learn what it is.

What is shingles?
Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that typically appears on one side of the face or body and usually clears up within 2 to 4 weeks.

What causes shingles?
Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox (varicella zoster virus). After a person has chickenpox, the virus stays dormant in their body. Years later, the virus can reactivate as shingles.

Shingles symptoms
Early shingles symptoms may include headache, intolerance to light, and generally feeling unwell. Fever may also occur. The rash forms in a couple of days, progressing to blisters and then crusting over. Unbearable itching and/or sensitivity to touch, even with very light contact, is frequently reported. People describe shingles pain as aching, burning and stabbing.

You are at risk
If you're one of the 99% of people 50 years and older who have had chickenpox, you already have the virus that causes shingles inside you. As you age, your immune system naturally weakens, so your risk of developing shingles increases, even if you feel healthy. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime.

Prevent shingles from interrupting your plans
To prevent shingles from affecting your day-to-day plans, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention.

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